
join hands with netis to build dreams and create the future-凯发网站

date: 2020.01.20 pageviews: 1034


bid farewell to the year of pig, and welcome in the new year of rat. we have gone through trials and hardships all the way, and worked hard all the way. the golden years have witnessed the sweat and hardship, dedication and loyalty of netis members.


at 18:00 on january 18, 2020, the annual party of “join hands with netis to build dreams and create the future” of netis was held in yongfoo élite. ai hongfeng, chairman of netis group, gao qi, general manager of the group, xie yue, chairman of jiangxi netis, li wen, deputy general manager of the group and all members of jiangxi netis attended the party.


bid farewell to 2019 and start a new journey in 2020.


departure for the party



opening of the party


▲hosts of the party


▲every one seated in the party


ai hongfeng, chairman of the group, made a speech


he said, the development and achievements of netis group benefited from the efforts and dedication of all netis members. in the new year, the company would embark on a new journey and face new opportunities and challenges. he hoped that all netis employees would continue to overcome difficulties and forge ahead, and also wished every one a happy new year!


▲ai hongfeng, chairman of the group, made a speech


▲leaders of netis group (before attending the party)


commendation and award


xie yue, chairman of jiangxi netis, awarded outstanding employees and leaders of 2019 certificates, trophies and red envelopes to affirm and commend the excellent quality of their hard work in the front line over the past year. full of gratitude, all the winners thanked the company for providing them an excellent stage. efforts will be paid off. their positive energy and hard work greatly encouraged and inspired all employees present at the party.


▲excellent employees: zhong tao from test workshop, luo yanli and lai pingnan from dip workshop, tang li from engineering department, shen tengfeng from smt workshop


▲excellent employees: wu ling, he liang, zhong yanhui, peng liping and zhang qingxiu from packing workshop


▲excellent staff: he yu from quality department, he qun’en from smt workshop, yao jiao from engineering department, xiao yanhua from materials department, and xu shaoliang from quality department


▲excellent leaders: liu jie from materials department, xing beibei from quality department, and long mei from packing workshop




programs for the evening party included commendation, dances, songs, short sketches, oboe, solo and lottery, etc., bringing a unique visual feast to all present. all the employees enjoyed the wonderful programs while tasting the delicious new year’s eve dinner, and felt the concerns of the company and the management.


▲opening dance: dragon dance celebrating the flourishing age (from special guests)


▲song and dance: super star (from quality department)


▲song and dance: laser jazz (from special guests)


▲solo: chengdu (from engineering department)


▲song and dance: grain in ear (from material department/engineering department/quality department)


▲short sketch: three sentences and a half (from packing workshop)


▲short sketch: a mother teaching her son (from material department)


▲song and dance: happy dancing (from dip workshop)


▲magic show: shining miracles (from smt workshop)


▲song and dance: 38.6 degree (from packing workshop)


▲song and dance: half sugar doctrine (from smt workshop)


every one enjoyed the wonderful songs, hot dances, and funny and profound sketches. in your work, you are the most hardworking on the front line; in your life, you are those who love life; at the party, you were the most outstanding and confident. at the moment, you were charming and irresistible!


▲urheen solo: entering a new era


at the most wonderful moment, the management appeared on the stage. yang liudi, vice chairman of jiangxi netis, brought an emotional erheen solo entering a new era, which led every one back to the journey of jiangxi netis from the initial brick wall to production, setting off a climax for the party.


thank you for your supports along the way


surprises such as lucky draws were arranged for the party, including prizes in kind and cash gifts prepared by the management for employees.


wonderful moments were short. wonderful performances and exciting gifts pushed the annual party to a climax. the annual party 2020 of netis ended with the song unforgettable tonight, which expressed the wishes and expectations of all employees. the evening party enriched the cultural life of employees and provided a stage for employees to show themselves, strengthened the internal cohesion of the company and enhanced employees’ cognition and sense of belonging to the company.


heroes are on their mettle when the seas are in turmoil,
netis shows its powerful force in the great time.
we know that our development
was achieved by the persistence of netis members,
and trust and support of customers and suppliers.
we firmly believe that in the year 2020:
the future is expected, and well worth our efforts in youth!
keep the original intention, and forge ahead,
we will leap to the peak and create glories again!
a happy new year and best wishes,
peace and happiness to you all in the year of rat!

