
perform our duties, guard our world-凯发网站

date: 2020.02.18 pageviews: 2443

on february 3, chengdu netis resume work on time; on february 10, the factory of jiangxi netis resumed work and production on time; on february 12, the headquarters of shenzhen netis resume work on time. the arrival of the peak of personnel return to work was particularly important and urgent for the company’s work in the front line of epidemic prevention and control and work resumption. that was a serious fight, and we were a group of “soldiers” who took responsibilities without fear for risks in this invisible battlefield, and rushed to the front line of epidemic prevention and control at the first time to guaranteed the resumption of work with practical actions.


the epidemic was fierce and sudden. before receiving the specific instructions for work resumption, the administrative personnel of three regions rushed to buy materials. they kept trying to find supplies (masks, disinfectants, alcohol, temperature detectors, etc.) even on the eve of the lunar new year.



liu yueling of chengdu branch started to prepare materials for resumption of work at the end of january, and went to the company on february 2 to do disinfection and sterilization to prepare for the resumption of work on february 3, when the whole country was still in a critical period of shut doors. zhou yan of shenzhen headquarters realized the shortage of materials, mobilized all friends around to purchase materials, and finally snapped up a batch of masks to give priority to our colleagues in central china. they contacted one by one by phone, inquired about the situation, and sent the masks directly to their homes at the first time to ensure their needs. 



“any one entering the factory must wear masks, and tell me in time if you feel unwell. do not gather at lunch. one table only allows one person...” li wujun, a party member, told the employees one by one. li wujun’s hometown is in hunan. he requested to stay in the factory to guard the park area before the spring festival. with the development of covid-19 epidemic, the resumption of work was postponed. the food originally prepared had been finished. the food markets and supermarkets around the factory were closed, and meat and vegetables could not be available anywhere. he had meals with lao gan ma chili sauce and insisted for three days. since feb. 8, he has taken on the responsibility of epidemic prevention and disinfection of the whole factory area twice a day to ensure the safety of the production and living environment without complaints. when employees came to the factory to resume work, he was busy taking their temperature, sorting out temperature records, and supervising their hand washing and disinfection. he said: “the main battlefield of epidemic prevention has been transferred from the community and the countryside to the factory with the resumption of work and the return of employees to the factory. as a security guard, i must strictly on guard and defend to the last.” 


yang liudi, vice chairman of jiangxi netis and secretary of the party branch, took the lead in setting an example. he drafted the prevention and control emergency plan during the holiday, and flew back to pingxiang upon the instructions of the headquarters to work with the prevention and control leading group to formulate a series of prevention and control systems, processes and reports, and checked the implementation of prevention and control measures. after returning to work, he supervised the implementation of prevention and control measures, and formulated relevant measures and plans in a timely manner based on the situation of prevention and control, coordinated with the local government on the return of key personnel to the factory, collected and sorted out reports and reported to the government under the jurisdiction, and also helped coordinate the borrow of masks and other epidemic prevention materials for brother manufacturers.


mei huawen, deputy director of production, rushed back to the company early in order to resume work on time. he arranged to buy epidemic prevention materials, added hand washing and disinfection facilities, adjusted the dining layout, organized the canteen to purchase living and food materials at designated points, hung publicity slogans, and implemented the prevention and control process.


party member huang yongliang, who lives in pingxiang, returned to his post at the first time after receiving the notice of resumption of work despite the closure of roads and communities. when the security guard of the community told him that he was not allowed to come back 14 days after going out, he simply took the quilt and daily necessities, moved to the dormitory of the company, and put himself into the work.


he lijuan of the administration department took the responsibilities of different posts. she worked as a dormitory administrator, a storekeeper of epidemic prevention materials, and a publicity announcer. in particular, when some one in the surrounding community created rumors about the company and spread them around the internet, she found the situation, reported it at the first time, and tried her best to dispel the rumors. when the employees from other provinces and cities were kept into quarantine for 14 days after returning to the factory, she immediately arranged an observation room and provided psychological counseling for the employees by video communication three times a day.


party member wang hanzhong and xie kaiwu returned to their posts as soon as possible.


tan genxiang, member of the organization committee of the party branch, returned to his hometown in hubei during the spring festival. he was unable to return to the factory as he was in the worst affected area of the epidemic. although he was anxious, he was concerned about the company’s resumption of work despite the anxiousness. however, he knew that being in the epidemic area, it was the greatest contribution to the prevention and control work to stay home and obey the order of “two prohibitions”.



to comprehensively considered the safety and actual situation of employees, the company allowed the combination of remote office at home and on-site office, which put forward higher requirements for our online communication platform. therefore, six colleagues from the information department led by yi senming made a temporary emergency sorting and feature optimization of each module for the wecom platform during the holidays to meet the work requirements, and output relevant operation documents for convenient and quick use. they simplified the work flow, shortened the communication cost and improved the work efficiency without affecting the normal work, taking into account the operation and maintenance of different systems such as sap, erp, mes and servers in shenzhen and the factory.



there are more “comrades in arms” who made contributions to the epidemic prevention in the first time not mentioned one by one due to limited space. let’s move forward again, regardless of the high mountains. epidemic prevention and control is the most important task at present. thank you for being brave in difficulty to perform your duties and guard the world. let’s work together to prevent and control the epidemic.




